Saturday, 10 November 2012

Wildchild - The Horrific Effects of Isolation from Human Contact

Although I have a science degree in earth sciences, I have always been fascinated with psychology and some of its concepts.  I am sure many people have endured isolation from other people for a few days at some point in their life.  Even I've gone days without talking to or seeing anyone and the effects from just a few days of isolation can be felt almost immediately.

Here is a documentary on 'Genie Wiley' who was kept in isolation from the time she was born until her teenage years.  She never was spoken to and locked in a room for over 13 years.  The effects were profound.  And when Genie was found, she barely even knew how to walk and had never even seen the sky, the sun or moon.  Her discovery prompted psychologists and psychiatrists from around the world to drop what they were doing to fight for the chance to study her.  It is a sad story but it shows how isolation and environment can ultimately shape who we are today.

During Genie's recovery, she found joy in the simplest things, something today's society takes for granted.  Love those close to you and be appreciative for what you have.

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