Friday, 23 November 2012

The Most Spectacular and Rarest Caves in the World - A Video Documentary by Planet Earth

One of my favorite dvd box sets includes Planet Earth (Full Documentary Video at Bottom of this Blog).  I decided to rip it to my computer so I could share its beauty with nature lovers and bloggers alike.  Having a science degree with a specialisation in geology, my favorite episode is likely the "Caves" episode.  The pristine nature, extreme environment and the animals that thrive in this inhospitable environment is truly amazing.  David Attenborough hosts this documentary and is my favorite documentary host!  His ability to capture moments and visit places that no one else has ever seen is truly amazing and admirable.

One of the caves mentioned in this documentary in call Lechuguilla which is located in New Mexico.  Although the cave access is limited to scientific researchers, I hope to one day explore this cave - it's on my bucket list!  Lechuguilla is the 7th longest cave to be explored in the world at 216 km and is also the deepest cave in the United States at 489 m.  In this cave one will find huge deposits of sulfur and gypsum.  Some of the rare sights in this cave include speleothems, stalactites, stalagmites and, of course, the 'chandelier room'.
The chandelier room contains, rare, pristine and high-quality crystals. It took BBC over two years to get permission to enter this room and film it for the documentary Planet Earth.  Speculation says that it is highly unlikely another film crew will ever be allowed back into the Chandelier room ever again.

***I apologize for having to splice the videos into 4 segments as the file was to large for Blogger to accept.  This video is for educational purposes and not for profit.*** 

NOTE:  There is also a watermark in the center of each video and I deeply am sorry for that.  I used a trial version and cannot get rid of the watermark.  This video took hours to burn, rip, splice and upload so I hope you can still enjoy the beauty of this video and learn something as there are very few Planet Earth videos online (in fact none that I could find).

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